Welcome to our activities page!

Below are details of the various activities we run at SFC. For further information on each of them please click on the green “Read More”

Sunday Services

Our Sunday services are at 10.30am and occasionally we hold an evening service 6.30pm. More details including kids church and creche click below.



We have 2 weekly groups for badminton. An evening mixed session and a morning ladies one.



Our ``In house`` Choir meets weekly on a Monday evening at 8pm


2022 02 Community Fridge Web & FB Cover

Community Fridge

This initiative, seeks to reduce food waste whilst also giving our community a helping hand with food bills.

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Free Bees Baby & Toddler Group

Our friendly baby and toddler group meets each week on Thursdays in term time at 10am & 1:30pm. Please contact us for more details before coming to either of the groups. Sometimes we need to operate a waiting list. We can be contacted via email, Facebook or Instagram.


Click here to find Free Bees on Facebook

Click here to find Free Bees on Instagram

Friends Together

Our monthly group for those in our community who prefer table based activities. Every second Tuesday of the month at 10am in our café room

House groups

The church in miniature! Supporting one another in small study groups which meet either on a Tuesday (off site) or Wednesday on site

In the Community

We are out and about in the community and in particular regularly visit a number of the care homes in the village


Interest Group

Our weekly group open to all. Fridays 10am to Midday. Discover and learn about new interests, with a range of speakers, activities, craft and outings. All washed down with tea and biscuits!

Men's Walking Group

Weekly walk on Mondays from 10am. Meet in the church car park beforehand.



Our midweek powerhouse of prayer is every Wednesday morning at 11am.

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Signing Group

The BSL Signing Corner will now meet as an activity to share new things learned as part of our Tuesday Warm Welcome Hub from 3pm

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Warm Welcome Hub

Running alongside our Community Fridge every Tuesday our Warm Welcome Hub operates all year round! Irrespective of the weather or season we are open every Tuesday between 12:30 and 4pm for warmth, company, conversation, the odd board game, quiz, jigsaw or two, and free hot drinks and biscuits.

Youth 24

Meeting on the second and fourth Fridays in term time our youth group is designed for those in key stage 3 and 4