Free Bees baby and toddler group
Thursdays 10am & 1:30pm
Where kids are busy and grown-ups relax!
Free Bees Baby and Toddler Group
At Staplehurst Free Church we run two baby and toddler groups on Thursdays during term time. These groups are designed to provide a caring environment where adults can make friends, gain confidence in their parenting role and build up an essential support network, particularly during the maternity leave period.
Frequently Asked Questions
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When are the groups?
The morning group runs from 10am to 12noon on Thursdays
The afternoon group runs from 1.30 to 3pm on Thursdays.
Who are the groups for?
At the Free Bees groups, we give priority to Staplehurst families and ask that babies and toddlers are brought by a family member. Babies and toddlers need to be under 3 years old.
What happens at the morning group?
The morning group welcomes families with toddlers under 3 years old. It is a busy environment with a good selection of toys, ‘ride-ons’ and activities. We provide hot and cold drinks as well as snacks for adults and children, although you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer.
What happens at the afternoon group?
The afternoon group is aimed more at new parents. The environment is a safe space for non-mobile babies as well as those who are crawling or beginning to walk. Once babies are confidently walking, we would prefer families swap to the morning group to ensure the continued safety of the younger babies. Again, we provide hot and cold drinks as well as snacks.
Is there a waiting list?
At the Free Bees groups we limit the numbers attending, to ensure that we provide a safe and comfortable environment where the helpers are able to get to know the families. The morning group is currently full and we are operating a waiting list. Please contact us to be added to this list. There are plenty of spaces at the afternoon group and you are welcome to just turn up.
How much does it cost?
We ask for a donation of about £1.50 per week per family. This generally equates to £9 or £10 per half term. We don’t want this cost to stop anyone from coming, so please let us know, in confidence, if you cannot afford to pay.
Facilities available
The church has plenty of space where you can leave buggies and prams. There are toilets with baby changing facilities. We welcome breast feeding or we can warm a bottle for you. There is a quiet room, should you need to use it. In the summer we can use the garden as an extra play space.
The building is totally accessible for adults or children with disabilities.
There is a car park in front of the church and spaces for disabled parking. If the car park is full you can park on the main road (do not park on the pavement) on the side nearest to the church. Please do not park in the centre space in the car park as this needs to be kept clear for emergency vehicles.
How can I find out more details?
If you or someone you know would benefit from attending this group, please send us a message, via social media or email so that we can offer you a place or add your name to our waiting list. We would be glad to hear from expectant parents who want to join the group in late pregnancy or soon after the birth of their baby.
Our email address is: (please remove the at and replace with the symbol @)