Mar 2022
Why not join us as Paul Martin concludes our look at Samson and what we can learn from his life to help us with challenges today....
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March 02, 2022
Judges: Samson Part 1
Why not join us as Chris Tolley explores the early part of Samson’s life and what we can learn from it for our lives today?
February 23, 2022
Judges: Gideon Part 2
February 16, 2022
Judges: Gideon Part 1
Why not join us as Martin Chapman draws some insights and modern day parallels from the story of Gideon
January 26, 2022
Judges: Deborah
Thought women in leadership is something new? Why not watch or listen as Martin Chapman explores the Old Testament story of Deborah and how it apples to our lives today?
December 14, 2021
Choices: The Promised Land
Why not join us as our former pastor Clive Jones completes our series on Choices by looking at Joshua 1 v 1-11
December 01, 2021
Advent Journey
Please join us as our former pastor Ryan Ahern speaks to us about our life journey.
December 01, 2021
Choices: Even the Mighty Fall!
Why not join us as our speaker Chris Tolley continues our theme on Choices looking at Numbers 20 verses 1 to 13? Please note this is set to play from the beginning of the sermon....
November 02, 2021
Choices: What does it mean to be holy today?
Why not join us as Clive Jones links the call to be a holy people in Exodus 19 to our lives today