Welcome to our Services page
Here you can access most of our 2022 services which were streamed via YouTube. If you would like to view any of our 2021 services please click on the button below
If you would prefer to watch directly on our You Tube channel please click on the red button below
If you would prefer to just listen to our Sunday talks as a Podcast, please click on the green button below
Please note that streamed talks from our November and December services have been moved to either our Talks page or added to our You Tube Playlists. both of which can be accessed using the buttons above.
Sunday 30th October
Why not join us as Katy Griggs from Latin Link brings us an update on 2 charities we support in Ecuador
Sunday 23rd October
Why not join us as Dave Smethurst brings us an update on the work in Ukraine
Sunday 9th October
Why not join us as the Share Jesus International team begin the Emmaus Project Walk with us?
Sunday 25th September
Why not join us as we begin a new series looking at what we as Christians we believe
Sunday 18th September
Why not join us as Terence concludes our series looking at God’s message to the early church in Laodicea?
Sunday 11th September
Why not join us as our former pastor Clive reviews Jesus’ message to the church in Philadelphia?
Sunday 17th July
Why not join us as our former pastor Clive Jones Looks at Jesus’ message to the church in Sardis.
Sunday 26th June
All are welcome to join us as this week’s guest speaker Rev. Dennis Nolan looks at God’s message to the church in Thyatira, (Revelation 2 v18-29)
Sunday 19th June
Why not join us as regular guest speaker Chris Tolley looks at Jesus’ letter to the church in Pergamum (Revelation 2v12-17)
Sunday 12th June
Why not join us as our former pastor Clive Jones continues our look at the letters to the seven churches in Revelation.
Sunday 29th May
Why not join us as Compassion bring us an update on the long lasting effect of their work, as well as suggestions on how we can still make a difference!
Sunday 22nd May
Why not join us as Pastor Joseph Anderson reviews Jesus’ words to the church in Ephesus
Sunday 15th May
Why not join us as regular guest speaker Chris Tolley begins our new series on the new church.
Sunday 8th May
Why not join us as our former pastor Rev. Clive Jones considers the Ultimate Judge to conclude our series on Judges.
Sunday 1st May
Why not join us as our family church time starts a new series entitles Born to be Queen to tie in with the Platinum Jubilee
Sunday 22nd April
Why not join us as regular guest speaker Paul Martin considers the humble beginnings of one of Israel’s greatest kings
Sunday 17th April
Why not join us as we celebrate the most important day in the Christian calendar? Easter! The day God brought hope into the world through His Son Jesus
Sunday 3rd April
Why not join us as our family church time seeks to explain why an adult might wish to be baptised by immersion and how this relates to Easter?
Sunday 27th March
Why not join us as our Rev Clive Jones, explores what happened when the people decided they wanted a king not a judge to lead them.
Sunday 20th March
Why not join us as our regular guest speaker Paul Martin speaks today on “God is our Refuge” from Psalm 46
Sunday 13th March
Why not join us as our regular guest speaker Paul Martin continues our look at Samson and how his life story is relevant to us today.
Sunday 6th March
Why not join us as our guest speaker Dr. Andy Gardiner explores extravagant faith as well as giving us an update on Project Ecuador.
Sunday 27th February
Why not join us as Chris Tolley introduces us to Samson? and examines parallels between his life and ours?
Sunday 20th February
Why not join us as Kate Henry continues our look at Gideon, in part 2 of how his situation applies to us today.
Sunday 13th February
Why not join us as our guest speaker Martin Chapman provides Gods perspective into Gideon’s home situation and how it applies to us today.
Sunday 6th February
Why not join us for family church? Today we are looking at our theme “Seeing but not seeing. ” Intrigued? Click on the play button to view.
Sunday 30th January
Why not join us as our friends Alan & Mary not only give us an update on the work of Orphaids in Ecuador and Columbia but also explore its relevance of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Sunday 23rd January
Think women in authority is something new? Why not join us as our guest speaker Martin Chapman provides 21st Century insights from the story of Deborah and Barak
Sunday 16th January
Why not join us as our guest speaker Chris Tolley explores the story of Ehud.
Sunday 9th January
Our guest speaker Paul Martin starts our new series on the relevance of the book of Judges to today.
Sunday 2nd January
Why not join us as celebrate the start of a new year with a believer’s baptism?
If you would like to watch just the baptism please click on video below.