Revelation: A letter to Philadelphia
Why not join us as our former pastor Clive Jones reviews Jesus’ message to the church in Philadelphia? Click here to watch the service from the start of the talk
Revelation: A letter to Sardis
Why not join us as our former pastor Rev. Clive Jones speaks about Jesus’ letter to Sardis in Revelation 3 v1-6
Revelation: A letter to Smyrna
Why not join us as Rev. Clive Jones reviews the encouragements and warnings Jesus gave to the church in Smyrna from Revelation 2 verses 8 to 11 Click here to watch from the start of...
in Judges
The Ultimate Judge!
Why not join us as Rev. Clive Jones completes our series on Judges by looking at Jesus the ultimate Judge.
in Judges
Judges: When the people asked for a king
Why not join us as our former pastor Rev. Clive Jones explores what happened when the people of Israel decided they wanted a king instead of a judge?
in Choices
Choices: The Promised Land
Why not join us as our former pastor Clive Jones completes our series on Choices by looking at Joshua 1 v 1-11
Choices: What does it mean to be holy today?
Why not join us as Clive Jones links the call to be a holy people in Exodus 19 to our lives today